How Do Transfer Credits Work?

By Brian Fairbanks
Doing things halfway is never a good idea. If you have some college credit under your belt and are ready to complete your degree, it’s time to get clear on how college transfer credits work.
Whether you’ve attended a community college or a university, you might as well get credit for the work you’ve done — and you may find yourself that much closer to your degree when you do.
What is a “transfer credit”?
A transfer credit is the course credit you’ve earned at another qualified institution of higher learning and successfully applied that credit to your future degree program at your current or future school.
For instance, say you’ve earned four course credits in one specific math program at College A. If you decide to transfer and start classes at University B, you can check with University B to see if, based on your completed courses at College A, you have transfer credits available for that math program to apply to the work you’re doing at University B.
If University B acknowledges that your coursework can count toward your current degree program, you can start that program with those math credits, which helps you get your degree faster.
Most schools sign dozens or even hundreds of transfer credit agreements with two-year or four-year educational institutions to help students transition from an associate degree to a bachelor’s degree, for instance.
According to Devin Andrews, vice president of admissions and evaluations at University of Phoenix, some of the most common transfer credits students apply tend to be general education.
“It is most common for students to transfer general education coursework in social sciences, science and technology, or English composition and communication arts,” she said. “This makes sense because courses in these areas tend to be common within the first year or two of programs at community colleges and universities.”
How do college transfer credits work?
Not all coursework or even completed classes in which you received a passing grade can count toward every university or every university’s degree program. Before going through the process, you should look closely at your new school’s current transfer policies (these can include application requirements) as well as which courses your new school offers. It’s worth making sure that your past coursework and your current educational goals align.
Once you’ve determined that your current educational institution might accept transfer credits for your previous coursework, you’ll want to contact the school. Inform the admissions office of your situation and ask for help to determine which, if any, previous credits can apply toward your degree program.
Afterward, you may need to request transcripts from any and all previous institutions of higher learning that you’ve attended and keep in touch with your current or future school to make sure the transferring of past coursework for credit is proceeding smoothly.
Andrews said there is no “gold standard” when it comes to accepting transfer credits, but professional associations like the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) offer guidance and best practices related to transfer of credits. The AACRAO co-wrote the Joint Statement on Transfer and Award of Credits, along with Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and American Council on Education (ACE), which many institutions use as a guiding document. In addition, ACE recently published a report including recommendations for transfer credit practices.
“It is always up to the receiving institution whether to accept transfer credit from another institution. Each institution establishes policies that align with its mission, accreditation and other applicable standards,” she said. “Increasingly, the transfer and award of credit is seen as an equity issue, and organizations like AACRAO and ACE call for inclusive policies that give students credit for their prior learning — in and out of the classroom — and help students complete credentials without unnecessary duplication of coursework.”
Whether you transfer three credits or 30, exploring your options at your chosen university can pay off in both time and money.
Explore your transfer credit options
If you’ve earned college credits, chances are you are eligible to apply them toward a degree program. At University of Phoenix, we’ve partnered with a number of accredited colleges and universities to establish hundreds of transfer agreements toward our bachelor’s degrees. To discover how many of your credits can be applied at the University, explore our transfer guide to find out what is available to you.
Did you know that work and life experience may count for college credit too? Our Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) will help you get credit for what you know by turning on-the-job training, certifications, military service and life experience into potential credits.
Frequently asked questions about transfer credits
Still not sure about what’s involved with transfer credits? You’re not alone. Check out these FAQs!
Typically, the grade you receive in a completed college course will not count against your GPA when transferred as a credit toward a degree at a new school.
Transfer credits for international students are possible at many American institutions, both on-campus and online. Online universities offer the added advantage of enabling you to earn your degree (or pursue continuing education) without having to relocate overseas.
According to, “Generally, college-level courses completed at regionally accredited institutions will transfer, provided that a grade of at least ‘C’ (2.0) is earned and the course is similar in content and scope to work offered at your targeted college or university who will assess your academic history.”
While some schools accept all passing grades, including D’s, the higher your grade, the more likely it is your coursework will be accepted for transfer credits.
Yes, in most instances, you can turn passing grades in completed courses into transfer credits at other institutions. Contact your future school for help determining which courses and grades will count toward your degree under its policy.
The maximum number of credits you can transfer depends on the school, but it can be up to 90 credits in some cases.
“ Adult learners with a high number of credits on their transcript may be closer to meeting degree requirements than they think,” says U.S. News & World Report. Check with your school to see how many more courses you actually need.
Originally published at on June 2, 2021.